Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Up on the cutting board

Today was the day. The day for surgery. No food or water since midnight. I'm supposed to be there @ 11am.

We arrive on time @ 11am and start the check in process. "There's a problem verfying insurance benefits Mr. Walters. Please take a seat and I'll be with you in a few minutes", the lady said. Reagan and I take a seat and wait. And wait... The lady comes by and takes my card to see if she can call a different number. Still no luck so we wait. Finally she comes back and tells us she hasn't reached the insurance company but she's cleared me to proceed into surgery so I should be called in shortly.

About 11:45 we are heading back into a prep room. Scott, the pre-op nurse tells me I should be in surgery in about 45 minutes. Around 12:20 the 'sleep Dr.' comes in and gives me shot. The last thing I remember is being rolled into the operating room. Nite nite...

The next thing I know it's about 1:20pm and I wake up with a nasty taste in my mouth. I'm groggy but I check my finger. Oh oh, I have a splint, guess that means I've got 4 weeks of the splint. Grrr. I get some water and chew on some ice. Finally they move me to a lounge chair and get I get some Coke to alleviate my headache. Unfortunately they didn't have any Monster energy drinks.

My check out nurse was fun and bubbly. We compared scars and discussed our past motorcycle accidents. She tells me no alcohol for the next 24 hrs, so much for enjoying that Crown Royal Cask 16. After she's done giving us instructions she coordinated with Reagan to make sure she picks me up at the right area. A few minutes later my wheel chair arrives and get moved over to it. Out the hospital I go and by 3:30 I'm on the way home.

When I get home I curl up on the couch and go back to sleep until about 6:30pm. Now I'm feeling better and it's time to eat. Hmmm, what's on Tivo?

So 11am to 9pm was tied up with my injury, that's another 10 hours wasted all because of a few seconds of inattention. Stupid hurts!

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