Saturday, February 02, 2008

I must be getting old

or society is just losing it's compassion and respect for others...

This morning Reagan and I went to see Rambo in the AMC 24 in Sugar Land. The last few times we've gone to see movies we've had problems with people carrying on conversations during the movie. Some how asking them to please take their conversations outside is offensive to them and we're viewed as the rude people. Go figure....

Well today wasn't any different. We sat 3/4 of the way up the theater just to house left of center. This is the best seats we could get as two men were setting in the optimum spot on the row. So the movie starts and sure enough these two start yapping up a storm providing commentary about the movie. I lean over and ask politely that they wait until after the movie to discuss it or take it outside. I'm told that I picked where I sat and I could move if I didn't like it.

Reagan also had words with another movie patron about noise. The person behind us was talking on his cell phone. Of course when she talked to him he seemed to listened and stopped talking on the phone. It must have been her kind and gentle approach.

So my question is this, have I gotten old and intolerant of others or are people just becoming more self absorbed and disregarding those around them. I'd like to think I'm getting old and intolerant but I fear it's a problem with society more than me.

I guess we'll be going shopping for a new home theater set up soon. With the ridiculous price for movie tickets and food plus the rudeness of our fellow man, it seems that buying an elaborate home theater is actually a bargain. Not to mention you can have intermission when nature calls...

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